Flat knit fingerless gloves

Fingerless Gloves-Knit Flat with Gusset

4mm circular needles
#4 ww superwash merino was used in the sample
2 stitch markers
Yarn needle

CO-cast on
K- knit
pm-place marker
sm-slip marker
kfb-knit front and back

21 st by 26 rows 10x10 cm

CO 44 sts

Row 1: K3, *p2, k2; rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
Row 2: P3, *k2, p2; rep from * to last 3 sts, p3.
Repeat 1 and 2 for a total of 12 rows.
Row 13: Knit
Row: 14: Purl
Row: 15: Knit
Row 16: Purl

Begin work on thumb gusset:
Row 1: k20, pm, kfb, k2, kfb, pm, k20
Row 2: purl all sts.
Row 3: K20, sm, kfb, k to 1 st before next
marker, kfb, sm, k20.
Row 4: purl all sts.
Rep rows 3 and 4 until you have 16 sts between
stitch markers.
Row 19: k20, sm, k2, p2 to next marker, sm,
Row 20: p20, sm, p2, k2 to next marker, sm,
Repeat rows 19 & 20 for a total of 6 rows.
Row 33: K20, remove stitch marker, bind off
next 16 sts IN PATTERN, meaning to bind off the
knits with knit sts and the purls with purl
stitches, until you reach the last stitch marker,
remove that marker and bind off 1 more stitch.
Knit to end. 
Row 34: Purl across all stitches, joining the 2
sides together as you go.
Row 35: Knit
Row 36: Purl
Continue in stockinette stitch until the glove
reaches the middle of your fingers. Then do 6
rows of k2, p2 ribbing. Bind off in pattern. Sew
up the side seam. Weave in ends. 

Fingerless Gloves Flat Knit with Gusset ©2020 Vikki Albano. All rights reserved. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. V2020.12.10

